With dreary winter days, I'm finding I get into a hum drum tiredness all day long...especially if all I do is sit, and the only exercise I get is walking from the computer to the kitchen and back. I have learned, that on days that I take time to exercise, I have much more energy...even in the winter months!
Exercise will:
Boost your immune system
Build strong muscles and bones
Generate endorphins to keep you in a good mood
Improve mobility
Improve digestion and elimination
Tone and cleanse internal organs
Keep you flexible
Strengthen your heart
Stabilize blood sugar
Lower cholesterol and blood pressure
And give you boundless energy and stamina.
If you choose to do the kitchen to computer walk....be prepared to get the opposite of what exercise will do for you. Remember, if you dont use it you lose it. Everything will start going 'south', and skin will also lose elasticity. You'll be tired, moody, sick, achy, have headaches, and just be a bear to live with!
So start the year off right, and get moving! Lets do it together!
To Your Health!!
RobinLooking for an exercise program to do from home? Beachbody has many for all expertise levels, even for kids. www.befitandwellnow.com
Love your tips Robin. I like the fact that you make it real simple. I'm a follower and have subscribed to your mailing list also.