Thursday, January 13, 2011

Apology - What a Week!

Ever have one of those weeks when you figure you have an open week and you'll get a lot done, only to find that by Monday afternoon the whole week has basically blown up?  That's my week this week!  I totally forgot to give you your Tuesday Tip!  So instead of a Tuesday tip...I'm going to tell you about  upcoming teleseminars you wont want to miss!

Starting this month on the 18th, I'll be having Stressed is Desserts Spelled interesting open forum where I will discuss stress, what it is, what it does to the body and how to beat it without eating a ton of desserts.
Next month we will move into other topics on weight loss, the 8 step plan and more!  

You'll want to be on my email newsletter to be updated on all the goings on! The newsletter covers some great health topics and you can receive yours by emailing Plus you can join my Facebook pages Energized Lifestyle and Coach Robin for updates, and of course, follow this blog!

I apologize for not having a tip for you this week, but I AM posting a recipe!! Check it out!! Click the Recipes tab!
To your health!

1 comment:

  1. LOL, yes Robin, I think we all have those weeks, Mondays...very nice!

