Monday, July 5, 2010

The 3 C's - Caffeine, Coffee and Chocolate

What is Caffeine and is it safe?

About 80 percent of the adult population in the US consume caffeine.

Caffeine is found in various beverages such as tea, coffee, cola-flavored and other carbonated beverages and in chocolate products, and is an ingredient in a number of non-prescription drugs such as headache, cold, allergy, pain relief, and stay awake pills.  Unfortunately now there are such things as red bull to pump you up...then just as quickly let you down.

Caffeine elevates blood glucose giving the allusion of an energy surge.

A 5 ounce cup of coffee contains between 60 and 150 mg of caffeine while a cup of tea has 35 to 60 mg. A soda typically contains 30-55 mg of caffeine per 12-oz. can. There are a lot of new caffeinated beverages on the market which contain 55-70 mg caffeine or more per 12 oz. can. Hot chocolate beverages contain about 5 mg caffeine per cup while chocolate candy may contain between 10 and 40 mg per 2 oz bar.

Caffeine is considered a psychoactive drug since it stimulates the central nervous system and alters mood and behavior. Physiological effects may be experienced in adults after as little as one cup of coffee or 2 cans of soda. The unnatural stimulation or high is usually followed by a depression or low.

Physiological effects of caffeine can be seen in adults at doses of only 100-200 mg. A child consuming one can of caffeinated soda receives a caffeine equivalent of 4 cups of coffee for an adult.

Caffeine is quickly absorbed by the body, with blood levels peaking about 30 minutes after ingestion.

Caffeine can produce many adverse effects including:

  • elevated blood sugar (gives the feeling of an energy surge)

  • elevated cholesterol levels

  • increased blood pressure

  • stimulated central nervous system

  • irregular heart beat and palpitations, increased risk of cardiac arrhythmia & heart attack

  • increased urinary calcium and magnesium losses (may impact on long-term bone health as it leaches calcium from the bones)

  • increased stomach acid secretion (aggravates a stomach ulcer) , increased heartburn

  • tremors, irritability, and nervousness

  • insomnia and disruption of sleep patterns

  • anxiety and depression

  • heightened symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

  • increased risk of bladder and rectal cancer, as well as kidney, ovaries and bowel cancers

  • increased urinary calcium losses - reducing both calcium absorption and increasing the calcium lost through the urine.

  • high risk of low birth weight babies

  • reduces iron absorption by 40 to 60 percent

  • Breast Cancer - caffeine appears to enhance the frequency with which other carcinogens  create tumors.
    Caffeine and other methylxanthines (theophylline in tea and theobromine in chocolate) have been suggested as risk factors for breast cancer. Methylxanthines have been reported to increase the severity of fibrocystic breast disease, which may increase the risk of breast cancer. Some researchers suggest that if methylxanthines are removed from the diet symptoms will improve.   I had a fibroid anoma in my breast when I was 18 yrs old. I had it removed and biopsied.  They told me to quit anything with caffeine in it or else it would be cancer in 10 yrs.

Is caffeine addictive?

Remember, caffeine is a drug.  Many regular users are surprised by the difficulty they experience when they try to quit using caffeine. Dependence may occur after only 6-15 days or use.

Individuals who have become addicted to caffeine should expect withdrawal symptoms to begin 12-24 hours after stopping caffeine intake. Symptoms  of withdrawal usually include headache, fatigue, apathy, and possibly anxiety. Withdrawal symptoms usually peak at 36 hours and will be gone at the end of 1 week if they just hang in there!  Ever wonder why folks cant function till they have had that morning coffee?  Their bodies are going thru withdrawal. Once the caffeine is introduced, they become 'normal' again.

WELL then, what about Decaf?

A U.S. National Institute of Health study suggested that drinking decaffeinated coffee could increase your risk of heart disease. Research indicated that it could lead to a rise in harmful cholesterol levels. The U.S. study looked at 187 people, a third of whom drank three to six cups of caffeinated coffee a day, while a second group drank the same amount of decaffeinated coffee, and the rest had no coffee. Researchers measured the level of caffeine in people's blood, as well as a number of heart-health indicators, including blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol levels over the course of the three-month study.

At the end of the study, the group drinking decaffeinated coffee had experienced an 18% rise in their fatty acids in the blood, which can drive the production of bad 'LDL' cholesterol, leading to heart disease and diabetes. In addition, a protein linked to bad cholesterol went up 8% in the decaffeinated group.

Decafeinated beverages also contain some chemicals that regular caffeinated beverages do not

  • Methylene Chloride:  is used to remove caffeine from coffee. This process leaves small amounts of this chemical in the beans. Methylene chloride is a proven carcinogenic that is toxic to lungs, the nervous system, liver, mucous membranes, Central Nervous System. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce organ damage.

  • Ethyl acetate is also one of the solvents used to extract caffeine. This solvent is commonly used to dissolve the pigments for nail polish, and is responsible for the solvent-effect of nail polish remover (acetone and acetonitrile are also used).

  • Also decaf beverages contain phenylalimine which is a chemical that gives the same high as caffeine gives.  Phenylalanine is a neurotoxin which excites the neurons in the brain to the point of cellular death.

The best beverage of choice of course is water!

Hydrating your body with 6-8 glasses of water a day will boost your energy level, flush toxins, assist in elimination, keep your joints and muscles hydrated for better flexibility and less pain, thins the blood and so much more!  After all  you are 70% water, and lose it every day, even just while breathing.  Part of the reason for hip and knee replacements is because of dehydration - the synovial fluid dries up and bones scrape against bone.  Here are some tips:

    1.  Start your morning with a large glass of room temp water with 1/2 lemon squeezed in...warm water helps digestion and elimination.  You will get a boost of energy that way, plus start detoxification, get a good dose of vit C and calcium and other health benefits.

      2.  If you must have that warm beverage in the morning…why not try those cereal coffee substitutes such as Roma and Cafix or an herbal tea.

      3.  Regardless of what you see in the news about how wonderful chocolate is for isnt as I mentioned above.  BUT If chocolate and cocoa products are used, they should be used sparingly or used as flavorings. Carob is a useful, power packed  alternative for chocolate.

      Moderation is key.  Do what's best for your body.

      Health is Wealth,
